Wednesday, April 18, 2007

1st Cluster 3 Leaders Training


It's that time again! As our community continues to grow, new and more leaders are given the chance to grow and serve for God.

The following event is MANDATORY for all leaders in the community program of cluster 3.

Who: Durham, Scarborough North East, Markham York Region LEADERS (Community Program Only - Other program leaders will be invited by program heads if needed)
What: Leaders Training
When: Saturday, April 28th, 2007 (1:00PM - 7:30PM)
Where: St. Bernadette Catholic Church (Durham - Ajax)

Attire: Wear WHITE
Cost: $3.00 for FOOD

Direction to the Church:
- Get on the Highway 401, going east.
- Exit Westney Road, South
- Turn left (east) on Bayly
- You will see the church on your right side, after Harwood

If you need a ride to get to the training, please collaborate with your chapter heads to do so. Markham and SNE leaders need to set up a car pooling system to get there and back.

***FYI: Every leaders is obliged to go to this meeting. There should not be any reason for anyone to skip this training. If you are committed to serve, please make the effort to show up for the entire training.

If you have any questions or concerns let us know and we'll try our best to answer your questions.

In God We Trust.

Thanks and GOD BLESS!

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